快速上手 M1

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File:BPI-m1 respbian.png
Overview: BPI-M1 respbian linux
File:BPI-m1 debian.jpg
Overview: BPI-M1 debian linux
File:BPI-m1 ubutnu.jpg
Overview: BPI-M1 ubuntu linux


  • 4核 1.0GHz CPU
  • 1 GB DDR3 内存
  • Mali-400 MP2 和 Open GL ES 2.0/1.1



 2.准备一张容量不低于8Gb的TF卡, 然后插到你PC上的USB接口中.
 3.下载烧录工具 PhoenixCard.exe.
 4.使用 "PhoenixCard.exe" 来烧录Android镜像到TF卡上.
 M3 Android Burning.png

如何编译 M1 Bsp 代码

 * 准备一台运行Ubuntu系统的电脑
 * 安装 Docker-ce 在你的电脑上, https://docs.docker.com/install/linux/docker-ce/ubuntu/#install-docker-ce
 * 安装完成后执行命令 "docker pull sinovoip/bpi-build-android:a20_01", 下载docker镜像
 * 下载完docker镜像后, 运行命令启动docker镜像 "docker run --privileged -d -p 2223:22 -v /media:/media sinovoip/bpi-build-android:a20_01" 
 * 运行命令"ssh -p 2223 [email protected]"进入到docker镜像中, 默认密码是root
 * 进入到docker镜像后, 运行命令 "git clone https://github.com/BPI-SINOVOIP/BPI-M1-bsp.git"下载M1的Bsp代码
 * 运行命令 "./build.sh" 编译M1代码
 * 编译完成后,可以运行代码 "docker cp xxxxx(your container id):xxxxx(your project path) xxxxx(your pc path)" 来拷贝结果到容器外的Ubuntu系统中
 Docker operate.png

开发 Linux



 * 准备一张容量不低于8Gb的TF卡, USB-Serial 串口线, 一台运行Ubuntu系统的PC机
 * 使用你的串口线去连接M1的调试串口
 M1 uart pins.png
 M1 console interface.png

烧录第一个Linux镜像到 M1

 1.You could download latest image from our forum
 * Here is the example link: 
 2.Install bpi-tools on your system
 * apt-get install pv
 * curl -sL https://github.com/BPI-SINOVOIP/bpi-tools/raw/master/bpi-tools | sudo -E bash
 3.After you download the image, insert your TF card into your Ubuntu
 * Execute "bpi-copy xxx.img /dev/sdx" to install image on your TF card.
 4.After step 3, then you can insert your TF card into M1, and press power button setup M1

Update your image

  * execute “bpi-tools”, to update your bpi tools;
  * execute “bpi-update -c bpi-m1.conf”, to download new driver to update your image
  * execute “file *.tgz”, to check download files’ type is compressed data
  * execute “bpi-bootsel”, you will see the bootloader path, “/usr/lib/u-boot/bananapi/u-boot-2018.01/u-boot-2018.01-bpi-m1-8k.img.gz”
  * execute “bpi-bootsel /usr/lib/u-boot/bananapi/u-boot-2018.01/u-boot-2018.01-bpi-m1-8k.img.gz”, to update your bootloader
  * reboot