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BPI Triode-Car 配合 micro:bit 使用
BPI Triode-Car 配合BPI-Bit STEAM 教育开发板 使用
Triode-Car 配合 BPI:AI AI开发板使用



Control With LM393 Chip

Hardware Introduction

There is a button to switch between two modes on the Triode-Car. One of which is using the built-in LM393 comparator chip, and the other is with the Micro: bit or BPI: bit.

When using the built-in LM393 chip, it has only one function, to track dark lines, it consists of the Line-Following Circuit, Voltage Comparing Circuit, and the Motor Circuit.

Line-Following Circuit

The Triode-Car uses two pairs of photoresistor and LED on the bottom side to enable its line tracking feature. When the LED light reflecs on bright and dark surfaces, the resistance of the photoresistor will change drastically.

The photoresistor used on Triode-Car is the GL5506, this photoresistor can have a resistance as high as 0.2MΩ in the dark(10Lux), while in the light(400~600Lux), it can have a resistance as low as a 2-5KΩ.

(Bright resistance: Tested after shining with 400~600Lux light for 2 hours, then shine it with a standard 10Lux, with a color temperature of 2854K light source.) (Dark resistance: Tested on the 10th second after shutting off the 10Lux light source.)

Voltage Comparing Circuit

LM393 sch.jpg

The Voltage Comparing Circuit includes the LM393 chip and several resistors. The LM393 consists of two independent precision voltage comparators with a low offset voltage. Its use is to compare two input voltages, then changes the output voltage accordingly. When the positive voltage from the comparator is higher than reverse voltage, the output will output high signal. When the positive voltage is lower than reverse voltage, it will output low signal. The LM393's output is open collector type, so a pull high resistor is needed here.

Motor Circuit

The S8550 PNP triode plays an important role in the motor circuit. It uses a small base current and a negative base voltage to control a larger emitter-collector current. With a maximum collector current of 1.5A, it can be used as a low level switch.

Control Circuit

Triode line l.jpg

As the picture shown above, when the car shifts towards the left, the right photoresistor will be directly on top of the line, therefore, its resistance will increase. Conversely, the left resistor, will shift away from the line, its resistance will decrease. At this point, the voltage from LL will be lower than LR. The U1A comparator's positive voltage will be higher than reverse voltage, triggering pin 1 to pull high. Conversely, U1B's positive voltage will be lower than reverse voltage, pin 7 will pull low, making the left motor move. The car shifts right, R6 and D2 moves away from the dark line until the left sensors detect the dark line. The concept is similar as before, the car repeats the actions above to progress forward.

Use MakeCode to Control the Triode-Car

This is a tutorial on how to control the Triode-Car with Micro:bit Makecode.

Beginner Tutorial

Adding the Triode-Car Extention to Control with Micro: bit

It is recommended for beginners to install the extension blocks by typing in the extensions search bar: " https://github.com/bpi-steam/pxt-triodecar" to add extentions. Click to import the Triode-Car extension pack.

Triode-Car motor control 1.png

  1. As the blocks shown, the car will stop after bootup or reset.
  2. Pressing down button A and B at the same time will make the car go forward.
  3. Press A to turn Right.
  4. Press B to turn Left.

Example link:https://github.com/Wind-stormger/Makecode/blob/master/microbit-Triode-car_motor_control_1.hex

Project files can be downloaded and edit locally by importing to MakeCode, or flash it directly onto the Micro:bit via USB to run it directly.

Motor Speed Adjustment

In the Triode-Car extensions, there are blocks dedicated to adjust the speed up to 10 levels.

Example Blocks:

Triode-Car motor control 2.png

  1. When button A is pressed, the speed increases by 1 level
  2. Press button B once, the speed decreases by 1 level
  3. Micro: bit display current speed.

The code within "forever" block will loop forever after the code in "on start" finishes. In between each loop, it can perform other actions such as, on button A/B pressed.


Example link: https://github.com/Wind-stormger/Makecode/blob/master/microbit-Triode-car_motor_control_2.hex

Project files can be downloaded and edit locally by importing to MakeCode, or flash it directly onto the Micro:bit via USB to run it directly.


For Hardware Design, please refer to (Line-Following Circuit).

The "Read (index) line tracking sensor" block in Triode-Car extensions can collect analog values from the photoresistors.

Micro: bit pins' voltage can be set from 0~3.3v, and has 1024(10bit) precision levels, therefore, the "read left/right line tracking sensor" block will input an analog value to adjust its voltage ranging from 0~1023.

Example Blocks:

Triode-car read LDR.png

In the program, every 100ms the two photoresistors will send its analog values through USB port to the computer. By opening the control panel in Makecode, we can see the exact values.

Example link: https://github.com/Wind-stormger/Makecode/blob/master/microbit-Triode-car_read_LDR.hex

Project files can be downloaded and edit locally by importing to MakeCode, or flash it directly onto the Micro:bit via USB to run it directly.




Triode-Car radio control 1.png








适用iPhone或iPad: 官方APP micro:bit App Store链接

适用Android手机或平板:第三方APP microbit-blue Github链接或 [https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kitronik.blemove 第三方APP Kitronik Move Google Play链接]










  1. 选择先对左侧的可调电阻进行手动调整,使其并联的光敏电阻在Micro:Bit对应引脚上输出的电压模拟量接近中间值。
  2. 在上一个条件满足的前提下调整右侧的可调电阻,使其并联的光敏电阻在Micro:Bit对应引脚上输出的电压模拟量接近另一个光敏电阻。



Triode-car LDR calibration 1.png


  1. 将程序整体放入一个"function"自定义函数中,这有利于我们从认知上在大量积木中区分某一部分的功能,方便后续调用或维护。
  2. 整体由两个"while"循环积木组成,加入了循环条件,这样可以在可调电阻校准完成后改变循环条件退出循环。
  3. 在进入"while"循环之前,使Micro:Bit显示对应的方向指示,给人以直观的行动目标,确认当前应该要进行手动调整的可调电阻。
  4. 第一个"while"循环积木中的程序用于校准左侧光敏电阻,其中"if"判断条件为,左侧光敏电阻输出的电压模拟量大于等于450小于等于550。
  5. 当满足第4条中的"if"判断条件后,使Micro:Bit显示一个表示正确的图形,给人以视觉上反馈,此时人应该停止对左侧的可调电阻的调节,随后延时1000ms再一次进行相同的"if"判断条件,用以消除手动调整可能产生的抖动而带来的误差,当再次确认条件满足时,改变控制这个"while"循环的循环条件以退出循环,执行下一步。
  6. 第二个"while"循环积木中的程序用于校准右侧光敏电阻,其中"if"判断条件为,左右两侧光敏电阻输出的电压模拟量相减,其差值的绝对值小于等于25。







Triode-car Line Follower.png


  1. "on button A pressed"积木用于控制循迹程序的启动和停止,每按一次按钮A,其中设置的变量就会改变一次状态。
  2. "forever"积木将重复执行其内部的程序,每次循环结束或在循环中执行到"show"或"pause"积木时会让出线程允许其他的"forever"积木或事件处理程序运行,所以此处三个"forever"积木与一个"on button A pressed"积木可以共同在后台运行,这样使系统具备同时执行多个程序的能力,一般将此称作“多工”。
  3. 第一个"forever"积木内的程序用于循环读取左右两个光敏电阻电压模拟值,然后在多级"if"条件积木中进行判断,满足相应条件时改变变量,该变量用于控制电机。
  4. 第二个"forever"积木内的多级"if"条件积木对第一个"forever"积木内改变的变量值进行判断,直接输出控制信号来控制左右电机的启停和转速。
  5. 第一,二个"forever"积木内的循环条件即为"on button A pressed"积木控制的变量,变量为"true"值时才会循环执行。
  6. 第三个"forever"积木略有巧思,其内部的循环仅在用于控制电机的变量发生变化时才会执行一次,对应改变LED当前应当显示的内容。



Triode-Car 配合BPI:Bit 使用Arduino环境编程



Triode-Car 配合BPI:Bit 使用MicroPython环境编程

