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:3. examples test
:3. examples test
:Enable i2c or spi [https://wiki.banana-pi.org/Getting_Started_with_BPI-M4_Berry#DTB_overlay overlays] before running test examples
:Enable i2c or spi [https://wiki.banana-pi.org/%E5%BF%AB%E9%80%9F%E4%B8%8A%E6%89%8B_BPI-M4_Berry#DTB_overlay DTB overlay] before running test examples
   $ cd examples
   $ cd examples
   $ sudo python3 bounce.py --config ../conf/ili9341.conf
   $ sudo python3 bounce.py --config ../conf/ili9341.conf

Revision as of 03:02, 27 September 2023

Banana Pi BPI-M2 Pro S905x3 design
Banana Pi BPI-M2S Amlogic A311D/S922 chip
Banana Pi BPI-M5 with S905x3 design




1. Linux镜像支持SD卡或EMMC启动,但您应该首先阅读[Boot_Sequence启动顺序]。
2. 建议使用A1级别的SD卡,至少8GB。
3. 如果要从SD卡启动,确保可启动的EMMC已经格式化。
4. 如果要从EMMC启动并将SD卡用作存储,确保SD卡已经格式化,没有刷入Linux镜像。
5. 下载最新的[Linux镜像],并确认md5校验和正确。
6. 默认登录用户名:pi/bananapi或root/bananapi。
7. Wiki指南仅适用于[bananapi 4.9 bsp ubuntu/debian镜像]。


1. 在Windows、Linux和MacOS上使用Balena Etcher安装镜像。
Balena Etcher 是Balena提供的开源GUI闪存工具,用于将操作系统镜像写入SD卡或USB驱动器。
M2s linux flash.png
2. 在Windows、Linux和MacOS上使用Balena Cli安装镜像。
Balena CLI 是用于balenaCloud或openBalena的命令行界面。 您可以从balena-io 下载安装程序或独立包,然后正确安装到您的PC上,然后您可以使用balena的"local flash"令选项将Linux镜像写入SD卡或USB驱动器。
 $ sudo balena local flash path/to/xxx-bpi-m4-berry-xxx.img.zip
 $ sudo balena local flash path/to/xxx-bpi-m4-berry-xxx.img.zip --drive /dev/disk2
 $ sudo balena local flash path/to/xxx-bpi-m4-berry-xxx.img.zip --drive /dev/disk2 --yes
3. 在Linux上使用dd命令安装镜像,如果SD卡自动挂载,请取消挂载SD卡设备/dev/sdX分区。实际上,bpi-copy与此dd命令相同。
 $ sudo apt-get install pv unzip
 $ sudo unzip -p xxx-bpi-m4-berry-xxx.img.zip | pv | dd of=/dev/sdX bs=10M status=noxfer
4. 使用bpi-tools在Linux上安装镜像,将SD卡插入Linux PC并运行以下命令:
 $ sudo apt-get install pv unzip
 $ sudo bpi-copy xxx-bpi-m4-berry-xxx.img.zip /dev/sdX

DTB overlay

1. DTB overlay 用于40引脚GPIO的多功能配置,并安装在vfat引导分区中,您可以使用mount命令检查挂载点。
 root@bananapi:~# ls /boot/overlays/
 custom_ir.dtbo      pwm_b-backlight.dtbo  spi0.dtbo
 ds3231.dtbo         pwm_c-beeper.dtbo     uart1_cts_rts.dtbo
 hifi_pcm5102a.dtbo  pwm_cd-c.dtbo         uart1.dtbo
 hifi_pcm5122.dtbo   pwm_cd.dtbo           uart2.dtbo
 i2c0.dtbo           pwm_ef.dtbo           waveshare_tft24_lcd.dtbo
 i2c1.dtbo           pwm_ef-f.dtbo         waveshare_tft35c_lcd.dtbo
 pwm_ab.dtbo         sdio.dtbo             waveshare_tft35c_rtp.dtbo
2. 更新vfat /boot/boot.ini中的overlay设置以启用所需的overlay。默认启用i2c0、spi0和uart1。
 # 要加载的overlay
 # 示例组合:
 #   spi0 i2c0 i2c1 uart0
 #   hktft32
 #   hktft35
 setenv overlays "i2c0 spi0 uart1"
3. 必须重新启动板以加载DTB overlay。


注意:此WiringPi仅支持将40引脚GPIO设置为输出、输入或软件PWM,对于io功能如i2c、spi、pwm等,您必须在boot.ini中启用DTB overlay
1. 构建并安装WiringPi,对于Debian系统,您必须在构建之前启用 sudo
 $ sudo apt-get update
 $ sudo apt-get install build-essential git
 $ git clone https://github.com/BPI-SINOVOIP/amlogic-wiringPi
 $ cd amlogic-wiringPi
 $ chmod a+x build
 $ sudo ./build
2. Run gpio readall to show all 40pins status.

M5 wiringpi.png

3. BPI GPIO Extend board and examples in amlogic-wiringPi/examples
blinkall, blink all pin header gpios, no extend board.
lcd-bpi, BPI LCD 1602 display module example.
52pi-bpi, BPI OLED Display Module example.
matrixled-bpi, BPI RGB LED Matrix Expansion Module example.
berryclip-bpi, BPI BerryClip Module


Build and install, 对于Debian系统,您必须在构建之前启用 sudo
 $ sudo apt-get update
 $ sudo apt-get install build-essential python3 python3-pip python3-dev python3-setuptools git
 $ git clone https://github.com/Dangku/RPi.GPIO-Amlogic.git
 $ cd RPi.GPIO-Amlogic
 $ sudo python3 setup.py clean --all
 $ sudo python3 setup.py install
Create and install wheel package
 $ sudo python3 setup.py bdist_wheel
 $ sudo pip3 install dist/RPi.GPIO-XXX.whl
Install from git source directly without development
 $ sudo pip3 install git+https://github.com/Dangku/RPi.GPIO-Amlogic.git
If the package is already installed, it should be uninstalled before installing the new one, or installing the new one with --force-reinstall option.


Build and install, 对于Debian系统,您必须在构建之前启用 sudo
 $ sudo apt-get update
 $ sudo apt-get install build-essential python3 python3-dev python3-setuptools swig git
 $ git clone --recursive  https://github.com/Dangku/WiringPi2-Python-Amlogic.git
 $ cd WiringPi2-Python-Amlogic
 $ sudo python3 setup.py install


luma.examples use GPIO.BCM gpio mode default, so you should map 40pin header pins to bcm gpio number and connect the hardware correctly.
1. build and install RPi.GPIO
 $ sudo apt-get update
 $ sudo apt-get install build-essential python3 python3-dev python3-setuptools git
 $ git clone https://github.com/Dangku/RPi.GPIO-Amlogic.git
 $ cd RPi.GPIO-Amlogic
 $ sudo python3 setup.py clean --all
 $ sudo python3 setup.py install
you can change the bcmledpin variable in test/led.py to your hardware backlight gpio and run it to check RPi.GPIO works well.
 $ sudo python3 test/led.py
hardware backlight will repeat on and off
2. luma.examples libs install
 $ sudo usermod -a -G i2c,spi,gpio pi
if group does not exist, the following command will create it:
 $ sudo groupadd --system xxx
 $ sudo apt-get install python3-dev python3-pip libfreetype6-dev libjpeg-dev build-essential
 $ sudo apt-get install libsdl-dev libportmidi-dev libsdl-ttf2.0-dev libsdl-mixer1.2-dev libsdl-image1.2-dev
 $ git clone https://github.com/rm-hull/luma.examples.git
 $ cd luma.examples
install luma.core, luma.emulator, luma.lcd, luma.le-matrix, luma.oled pip libs, make sure this step without error or downloading interrupted, try again if get errors
 $ sudo -H pip install -e .
 $ sudo -H pip3 install -e .
for debian buster(python 3.7) which does not include /usr/bin/pip in package python3-pip, and will get the following errors when install luma packages with pip3
 WARNING, No "Setup" File Exists, Running "buildconfig/config.py"
 Using UNIX configuration...
 /bin/sh: 1: sdl2-config: not found
 /bin/sh: 1: sdl2-config: not found
 /bin/sh: 1: sdl2-config: not found
install sdl2 related packages to fix this issue, then install luma libs again with pip3
 $ sudo apt-get install libsdl2-dev libsdl2-ttf-dev libsdl2-mixer-dev libsdl2-image-dev
 $ sudo -H pip3 install -e .
check installed luma pip libs
 $ pip3 list | grep luma
   luma.core          2.4.0
   luma.emulator      1.4.0
   luma.lcd           2.10.0
   luma.led-matrix    1.7.0
   luma.oled          3.11.0
3. examples test
Enable i2c or spi DTB overlay before running test examples
 $ cd examples
 $ sudo python3 bounce.py --config ../conf/ili9341.conf



默认情况下,Debian镜像不安装sudo,用户可以使用"su -"命令切换到root用户。如果您喜欢sudo,您可以安装它。
 $ su root
 Password:(enter bananapi)
 # apt-get update
 # apt-get install sudo
 # adduser pi sudo