BPI-Smart is a ground-breaking development board.
The BPI-Smart (also referred to as BPI:Smart, stylised as webduino:Smart) is an ESP32 with Xtensa 32bit LX6 single/dual-core processor based embedded system. support Webduino and arduino function.
BPI:Smart hardware
BPI:bit hardware description
BPI-Smart Board dimensions: 3cm in length, 2.5cm in width, 1.3cm in height, and a weight of 85 grams. Digital pins: 0, 2, 4, 5, 14, and 16. PWM pins: 12, 13, 15. Analog Pin: AD \(A0\). Other pins: TX, RX, 3.3V, VCC, RST, and GRD.
The front and back images: