3 Hello, World!

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Revision as of 23:07, 17 February 2019 by Sinovoip (talk | contribs) (Run the program through repl)
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Hello World is one of the most famous programs.For every programmer, this program is the first example program in almost every programming language.In fact, all it does is tell the computer to say Hello World.Traditionally, this program has been used by programmers to test a new system or programming language.For programmers, seeing these two words on a computer screen is often a sign that their code is ready to compile, load, and run, and this output is meant to prove it, so take this as an example.

Program with MpfShell

  • Tips: please burn the MicroPython firmware before use.
  • For the needed materials, please go here to download windows-mpfshell. exe, which needs to be manually selected because the software version may be updated.

Run the program through repl


(take Windows as an example) double-click to run windows-mpfshell.exe.


The colors that appear in turn explain
white Displays all supported command actions, top command for helpful instructions, bottom command for reverse.
yellow The above command for all the support, if you want to know the usage of the ls ` ` input ` help ls `.
blue Show the current insert board serial port name, as shown for ` com5 `, can input ` open com5 ` connected devices